The sound of snow

I can't remember another Christmas quite like this one. Kelly's parents are celebrating Christmas with David and Kelly at their house and Laura and Clinton are coming home from celebrating Christmas with his parents in Glenco. Needless to say, Phil and I have had a very quiet Christmas at home alone, just the two of us. So glad we love each other.

I learned while in the "pit" that silence can be deafening if you don't like yourself. That if it's only you and God you have to God..... or be miserable. Likewise with your husband. :)

Last night it snowed. My son who's 29 has looked forward to the next white Christmas since he was in Jr. High School. Last night he said he would stay up all night, just sitting by the Christmas tree watching the snow fall at his big picture window. Have you ever heard the snow fall or seen what happens when it does? Silence. Sheer silence. Nothing else sounds quite like it.

Job tells us that "God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend. For to the snow he says, 'Fall on the earth,' likewise to the downpour, be a mighty downpour." I find it interesting that God who "thunders wondrously with his voice" can make something fall to the earth like snow, in silence. But he does. Ah snow -- the sound of snow.

Today, I hope you've heard God's voice above the sound of packages being torn open by children who think Santa comes with a ho-ho-ho. He doesn't. He's just a man, made up by another man, whose maker created the sky that proclaims his handiwork -- the sky that pours forth knowledge in the sound of snow.


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