
I've been so busy getting our house on Claiborne Court ready to go to auction that I've written hardly anything over the past month, so this is just sweet and simple, yet so profound. Listen with God's voice in mind.

Bella loves steps, so this week I helped her go up a new one..........just one.

I knew the step was larger than she had been used to, because
I had seen her take other steps.
I knew if she climbed it, she'd have to hold onto my hand. So
I waited and
I watched until she did.
I knew if she was determined, together, we could climb the step, and
I knew even beforehand that she would.
I just knew that helping her climb the step would show her that she could.
I knew there was only going to be one step and
I knew this was going to be the one, but
I knew if she successfully climbed it, she would want to climb more.
I knew if she wanted to climb more, she would have to continue holding my hand.

She looked up at me as if to say "I'm ready" as
She held out her little hand,
I put her hand inside my hand just to let her know that
I was there and
I was behind her

She started up the step

I knew she'd have some trouble and sure enough she did
I watched her as her foot went up and
I watched as it came back down again.
I held her hand for two more tries
I did not want her to give up
I knew that she would try again and as she looked back up
I reassured her that I was there.
I knew her strength would have to come from me.

WE went up the step together.

She knows that she can do it
She knows she's done it before.
She knows if I'm behind her.
She won't have to do it on her own.

She already wants to climb more steps that
I know she cannot climb
I'll watch her as she tries and fails, and
I'll pick her up everytime.

Love you Bella.


Jeanne said…
That's precious, Teresa! Yes, I can just hear God saying those words as He waits for one of his children to realize that he/she needs Him. Life just doesn't work very well without Him and it's always so comforting to look behind me and know that God is right there ready to take my hand.


Love you!

Tonya said…
God and grandparents...what patients you both have as we try, fail, and succeed.
Anonymous said…
Absolutely precious! What a teacher our little ones are. Bella is blessed that you will always be there to help lead her, lift her, encourage her and show her the path. I stand in awe over God's great love and the most precious blessing of grandchildren.

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