New Beginnings

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I could create a blog all by myself...but I did. There's been so much talk, lately, about blogging, that I felt I had to join the club and keep in touch with you, myself. It's a privilege to read what so many of you are writing. I hope you enjoy Teresa's Treasures as much as I've enjoyed reading yours. Treasures is what life is all about.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matt. 6:21

Let me tell you where my heart is right now. I treasure my granddaughter, Bella, for being my first grandchild. I treasure my son and daughter-in-law for being such great parents. I treasure my husband for staying with me for almost 33 years when the ratio of what he gave and what I gave was definitely not 50/50. I treasure my friends "who have stuck closer to me than a brother" and there are many.

Every night, before I go to bed, I right down five things that I am thankful for that day. It has made me realize what I treasure. On August 1, 2007 this is what I wrote: 1) peace in the storm 2) saying what matters 3) time alone on a little bed 4) knowing God is in control and 5) knowing God. This night was the night before my husband, Phil, went into open heart surgery. It was possibly the last night that Phil and I could have "time alone on a little bed." I was determined to stay beside him as long as I could. I believe what we said to each other reflected the tenor of our marriage. We said precious little, but this is what I learned: I realized that if our marriage had been bad, we would have had so much more to say than if our marriage had been good. I told him that I was in a win/win situation... that if he lived he would be with me and that if he died, he would be with God in Heaven.

Having to write what I was thankful for on August 1st and August 2nd not only made me see the good when I could have easily seen the bad, it made me realize what I treasured. Saying what matters and time alone on a little bed seem so trivial, so unimportant, when, in reality, they were what I treasured that day. They are what I should treasure everyday. On August 2, the day of Phil's surgery, this is what I wrote: 1) Dr. Carter and Dr. Moore 2) a very skilled surgeon 3) waking up 4) great nurses 5) modern medicine and 6) hearing the words "It was a success."

Phil has my heart but more importantly, Phil has a new that flows freely now. I pray that the greatest treasure that I own comes from the God who treasures me...the One who gave me a new heart from the Son He treasured. I cannot wait to hear Him say one day, "It was a success" in a land where there will be no more death, mourning, crying or pain and no more need for triple bi-passes. These things I treasure.


Scott Burton said…

Glad to see you blogging. You are like another Mom to me. Im so glad to have your family in my families life. Proud of you for getting this thing going on your own. It looks great. Love ya.

Wow, what an awesome job you did. I am impressed. I could have never done that on my own. And your first blog has brought tears to my eyes. I look forward to reading your future blogs. Love you!
Carla said…
Welcome to the world blogging. I look forward to reading your blogs
The Mills said…
We are glad that you finally learned how to blog! I hope this is an outlet that you will enjoy. Just like Stephanie said, I got a little teary-eyed reading your first blog. Now Clinton won't be lying when he says you're at home blogging :)
Love, Laura
Kate said…
Looks good! Thanks for sharing. It was great to see you today!
Jeanne said…
Wonderful, Teresa! I will definitely enjoy reading your're a great "expresser" of feelings, thoughts, etc. Isn't it funny that we "mature women" are blogging? :)

I love you!

Melissa said…
Loved your entry. Very inspiring and really makes you think about whats important!
Valerie said…
You go girly! Welcome to the blogging world.... it's addictive. Can't wait to read more.
Anonymous said…
Until He takes us there may He continue to show us and teach us and help us to serve and give. Like the skin horse said in Charles Swindoll's Improving Your Serve " being real isn't how you are made it is a thing that happens to you and you can't be ugly except to people who don't understand."

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