Twenty-six Life-changing Lessons
In twelve days I'll be 61. These are the most life-changing lessons I've learned along the way.
1. You cannot feel a certain way unless you first think it. To feel sad, you must first think sad thoughts. To feel depressed, you must first think depressing thoughts. To feel happy, you must first think happy thoughts.
2. You cannot control how you feel but you can control the way you think. Paul tells us how in Philippians.
3. Feelings are neither right nor wrong. They are neutral. They occur as fast as flipping on a switch and the light coming on.
3. Three things I cannot change: the past, you, and the right answer.
4. You can only control your child to the point he will allow it. The child's compliance may be masking your own inability to parent the rebel.
5. Live in the present moment. Looking at the past brings regret and guilt. Looking at the future brings worry and anxiety. 100% of life is lived in the present moment.
6. Happiness is a result of the way you view your set of circumstances.
7. If you cannot change the situation you have to change your attitude and let the situation change you. An attitude is your approach to a fact.
8. If you expect nothing of others you will seld
9. Submission is making the decision work when you don't agree with it. You have to disagree in order to submit; otherwise it's consent.
10. God can never love you more than he does right now.
11. Perfection is not a goal, it is a disorder. To think I can be perfect is the epitome of arrogance. God expects me to be faithful but not perfect.
12. Depression often symbolizes you are hanging on to an unattainable goal. To me perfection and control were/are unattainable goals.
13. A goal that someone else can block is not a healthy goal. My goal may be for all my children to go to college but each one can block that goal.
14. Usually your burden becomes your blessing. God builds your faith by sending struggles, that when dealt with, can be a source of encouragement to someone else in similar shoes.
15. If God says "no," he has a better answer.
16. If God is leaving a burden in your life then it's for his glory and your benefit.
17. Happiness is a choice.
18. The only way a thought can harm you is if you give it significance.
19. Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past will be different.
20. It is better to love than to be right.
21. God made our bodies in such a way as to handle our stress until our minds are ready. Learn to listen to your body. Your liver knows long before you do, that you need to stop drinking. Your lungs know long in advance that you need to stop smoking.
22. God is not in a hurry.
23. It is more important to do the right thing than to do things right.
24. When I finally gave permission to God to do NOTHING, I finally said he could do anything and I would accept it. I would take "No" for an answer just to know I'd heard his voice.
25. Acceptance is not always approval.
26. God is in control. His timing is perfect. And he's never made a mistake.