Three Divine Appointments

I knew she was watching me as I sat on the couch waiting for Ashley to cut my hair. I didn't know her but it was quite obvious she thought she knew me. After a few more glances she came over and introduced herself as Jamie Butt. She had been giving instructions about the credit card machine she had just installed at Tanglez, the beauty shop I go to, but found the time to come over and introduce herself. She informed me she was one of the women who had just completed the video series I taped in 2005 called Becoming a Woman of Peace, which she had seen at Freida Avery's house. Freida had told me when she came to pick up the series that she had seen a picture of a tree, in her mind, which she recognized when she saw the same tree on the cover of the workbook, that accompanies the videos, for sale at the Christian Book Store. She told me she knew as soon as she saw it she was supposed to buy it, not even knowing who would come if she decided to have a Bible class in her home. She, Jamie, told me the video series had come along at the perfect time as she, herself, had had similar problems as mine which the video centers around. She told me she had missed watching the last two videos during the class, but that she would borrow them from Freida and watch them at home alone. I told her she was the first person I had seen in public that had recognized me, who had told me they had done the series. I was honored.

After leaving Tanglez I delayed my trip to Wal Mart, going home to get the rotten turkey I had bought last week, hoping they would take it back WITHOUT THE PRICE AND WITHOUT THE RECEIPT; they did. I did say Wal Mart didn't I? Anyway, as I was walking away from making my turkey exchange I noticed the second woman of the day looking at me like she knew me, knowing I had never met her. Just like Jamie had done at Tanglez, she came over, stopped me, and introduced herself as Jena. "I just have to tell you I just completed the video series you taped called "Becoming a Woman of Peace," she said, "and that it came about at the perfect time since I'm going through a divorce. So much of what you said I could relate to. You have no idea how much your videos have helped me. I just want to thank you for being obedient to God's call and helping so many women struggling to find peace. We all need to be women of peace." Before she had gotten the first sentence out I had realized what she was getting ready to say, had dropped my jaw, raised my hands to my face and looked up to God in amazement. How could this have happened twice in one day, only two hours apart without God orchestrating it! Jena proceeded to tell me one more thing: that her husband was being represented by my husband, that she had wanted to tell Phil, during depositions, that she had seen my videos, but that her attorney had told her she couldn't. Now she could tell him through me. Both she and I agreed this was a divine appointment. Tears flowed. Tears flowed right in the middle of Wal Mart.

Finally trying to wrap my brain around what had happened in the last 2 hours I finally made it to the bottled water aisle, sobbing in wonderment of God -- Two divine appointments in one day -- seeing two women who both watched the same video series at the same woman's house, both recognizing me in public. The third "divine appointment" was just five minutes away.

She told me I looked nice, which I did for a change for shopping at WalMart; I usually go there looking like a haint since I live only three minutes away and go there however I'm dressed, whatever time of day without caring what I'm wearing. But this morning I told her I had been to the doctor, that I certainly didn't feel as good as I looked. (no pride intended) I told her (if you know me well you can believe this easily) that I had had a urodynamic study of my bladder and a bladder installation because I have a bladder disease, but that the tears I was crying were happy tears, because God had just allowed me to experience something as good as the pain I had experience earlier in the morning. I told her about the two women I had just met and how it was unbelievable to me that God had arranged both meetings two hours apart, even telling her the specifics of the prayer I had prayed just this morning going down Small House Road, which is where I usually pray my ABC prayer of adoration. This is the prayer I told her I prayed:

"God I have so much wisdom, so much experience, so much zeal, so much desire to work for you -- to help women everywhere -- anywhere -- wherever you want me to go. I love to speak. You know I love to speak. I kinda, sort of like to write, but you know how much more I like to speak. But I'll write if you want me to. God I have a dream -- a dream I've held on to for years -- so many years -- that has never materialized. I know I've done good for you, but I feel like it's not enough. Why did I tape the videos? Was it all in vain? Please use them, even if not in my lifetime. Please show me what you want me to do and I'll do it. I feel like there's more"

After I told her the prayer I had prayed as I cried more tears of joy, she came over to my cart, leaving hers, put her arm around me and looked up as she said, "Praise God!" She told me that God was the Great Physician and he would heal me and that when our bodies and souls meet in health we can do anything for God. She said that God is calling us out and showing himself to the world -- that we are who he's using and then offered God's blessings on me. She told me she was thankful to meet a new sister-in-Christ. Here was my third "divine appointment" for the day. I was, and am, completely awestruck by God. I had just met two women, within two hours of each other, who told me they had seen Becoming a Woman of Peace and a third who acknowledged God was using me. God does come in awesome majesty.

How do I feel right now? What am I thinking?

That I am so unworthy to be called his child, but I know I am.

That God sent his son, who rose from the dead, but sent these two women to prove that he lives.

That He loves me -- THIS I KNOW.

That He heard my prayer -- and that he answered it TODAY.

That He does have a plan for me and I definitely see it.

That He who seems so distant meticulously cares for me.

That He can use use a woman at Tanglez and a woman in Wal Mart to speak for Him.

That He can bring three women together in like-precious-faith who thirty minutes before don't know each other, that changes each other's life in an instant.

That when we have God in common we have everything in common.

That I don't have to worry if he hears me tomorrow since he so obviously heard me today.

That God is good. That I am not. But He still has faith in me to do His will.

I believe God said to me today that He already IS using Becoming a Woman of Peace in ways unknown to me -- that the seed I have sown He is already growing. And with that, I am VERY pleased.


Valerie said…
LOVE this!! So awesome!

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