The Parable of the Bird

With lots of health issues going on right now (inability to sleep due to mega pain) I’ve spent lots of early mornings (3:00 a.m. – whenever a.m.) sitting in front of my computer in my office, which I think was originally intended for a baby’s room, just outside our bedroom door. It’s small and cozy and has everything in it anyone could ever want in an office including a bird that sits in hearing distance from my window. He, or she, and I have met quite frequently over the last few weeks and whether he or she has come to know me, I have definitely come to know him or her. I never knew that birds could be so chipper (or should I say chirper?) between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. It’s unbelievable! Having developed quite the relationship with this bird over the past two or three weeks that I have, this little bird has taught me numerous lessons I will never forget, that impress upon me what a Christian should look like, sound like, think like and do. It’s from those early morning visits with this little bird that I bring to you, “The Parable of the Bird.”

He is a bird.
He is the same bird every day.
He sings.
He sings because he’s a bird.
He sings the same song because he’s the same bird every day.
He sings whether any other bird sings with him.
The fact that it’s raining doesn’t keep him from singing.
The fact that it’s early doesn’t keep him from singing.
The fact that I’m up and it’s early doesn’t keep him from singing.
The fact that I’m up and it’s early and I don’t want to be up doesn’t keep him from singing.
The fact that I’m not singing doesn’t keep him from singing.
The fact that I’m not singing because I don’t want to be singing doesn’t keep him from singing.
The fact that I’m not singing because I don’t want to be singing and I don’t want him to be singing doesn’t keep him from singing.
The fact that he’s the only one singing doesn’t keep him from singing. However, when the other birds hear him, they usually start singing.

When he and the other birds start singing, I’m made more aware of their singing.
When I become more aware of their singing I either 1) listen or 2) I get mad. But, what I do doesn’t make them quit singing.

I hear them sing.
I hear them sing when only one bird starts singing.

He doesn’t try to ribbit like a frog, bark like a dog or meow like a kitten.
He doesn’t try to run, jump, climb, roll over or play dead.
He just starts singing.

He doesn’t care who’s up; he doesn’t care who cares that he’s up.
He doesn’t care who sings with him; he doesn’t care who doesn’t sing with him.
He doesn’t care who doesn’t like his song, who’s offended by his song, or who’s offended by how he sings his song.
He just sings.

He doesn’t worry about who he’s going to sing to today.
He doesn’t worry about who he’s going to sing to tomorrow.
He doesn’t even worry if there will be a today or tomorrow.
He just keeps singing.

And when he keeps singing the song he always sings………………………..

I know he’s there.
I know it’s him.
I hear him.
I’ve come to recognize the song he sings.

Because God made him a bird he is a bird.
Because God made birds to sing he can sing.
Because God made him a bird who can sing, God gives him a song.
Because God made him a bird who can sing God’s song, He can sing it.

Because God made him a bird who can sing God’s song, He has a song to sing

IF HE WILL SING IT……………………………….

IF he will sing it, I can hear it.
If I can hear it I can learn it.
If I can learn it I can sing it.
If I can sing it you can hear it.
If you can hear it you can learn it.
If you can learn it you can sing it.
If you can sing it, they can hear it.
If they can hear it, it can go throughout the ends of the world.

All because God made one little bird with a song to sing and he sang it.


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