The Call

My husband, Phil had a trial this week that he had prepared for for weeks. It would be life-changing for his client and a battle for Phil. He anticipated a fight. I anticipated the verdict. At 6:50 on Wednesday night Phil called to tell me it didn’t look like he would make it to church, for me to get someone else to help me teach, since we teach a class together and he wouldn’t be there. I said okay, that I wanted him to call me, even during class, if the verdict came in. The call never came during class. The call never came for hours. But, in the meantime, let me tell you what I did. I took the phone with me everywhere I went because I didn’t want to miss it. I carried it in the pocket of my sweatshirt, in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the den and even in the bathroom. I carried it with me everywhere I went so I wouldn’t miss his voice.

As I was SITTING ON THE COMMODE thinking how important this call was and so anxiously awaiting it, it occurred to me that this is how I OUGHT to feel about reading the Bible—hearing God’s voice. God has already given me the verdict—and He has already won the battle that I did not have to fight. What good news! Yet, do I anxiously await hearing it? Do I want to hear from Him so badly that I take His word with me everywhere I go…anticipating listening to Him? Is hearing His voice, as important to me as hearing Phil’s voice? And do His words of victory mean as much to me as hearing Phil say “I won!” Are his words and hearing His voice really THAT important to me? I hope you get the message. Quite vividly, I did.

God spoke to me loudly Wednesday night when I was sitting on that commode—waiting for Phil’s call. I think He impressed upon me that regardless of where I am, I should be anxious to hear His voice, because it’s always going to be good news, telling me “I’ve won!”.

I want to be more in THE WORD. I hope you do too.


Melanie said…
YES! Thanks for sharing :) The few times I've been driven to this hungering and thirsting (always in difficult times, for me) I've said that I would keep that fire even when I didn't "have to", but of course I don't. What a great reminder and perspective. Thanks so much!
Jeanne said…
Thanks, Teresa! I needed to hear this...
Valerie said…
Oh my.... I really needed to read this. I am behind in my daily Bible reading and can't seem to get motivated to read it.... uhhh. THANKS for the 'kick in the butt'(I mean, reminder)about what our desires should be!!!!! I'm headed to read now.

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