King Tut
After visiting Laura last week-end and going on a nature trail, I was so intrigued by the hummingbirds that I bought a feeder myself. I asked Phil to hang it on the shepherd's crook in our back yard, behind my kitchen window. And he did. I wanted two of them, but Phil said we'd see how long it took them to find this one. Oh! My! My! My! My My! In less than 24 hours we had hummingbirds...enough hummingbirds that I came up with this blog. I've named one of them KING TUT because he's the bully and thinks he's the leader. I've named another one of them ESTHER, because she's bullied by King Tut. The rest of the covey are THE OTHERS because there's just too many to give names to and they fly too quickly to know which is which. Okay. Here's the parable that I literally came up with in less than 10 minutes because I've seen it ALL MY LIFE. It is so similar to what happens in the CHURCH that I didn't even have to think about it. It just flowed. 1) Kin...