What Bella taught me.
Lifting hands in praise to God while singing is something I've not always been comfortable doing. As a matter of fact, years ago while attending a Sandi Patti concert, I was one of those who cringed when I saw other people lifting theirs. It was something that made me feel very uncomfortable and I was almost embarrassed to be sitting next to someone or near someone who did. I tried to act like it didn't bother me, but on the inside it ashamedly did. I remember thinking it must be a part of "their religion" yet not be a part of mine. I remember wondering if they had always been comfortable raising their hands to God and if everybody in their church raised them as well. I remember almost making fun of them because it was something so out of my comfort zone, I couldn't imagine anyone in my comfort zone doing it. Today, I raise my hands when I sing. It's hard for me not to. Let me tell you why. About four years ago, I was watching television and everytime I saw a ...