The Bowl
I guess since Phil’s been away this week-end I’ve had more time to think and solve the world’s problems. For some reason I’ve been more noticeable of everything – I guess I’m replacing Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes who just retired. This is going to sound like something he would write. Please forgive me if this blog is going to apply to you; I don’t mean it to be offensive to anyone – just funny and an indication of how we’ve gotten our priorities turned upside-down, our focus blurred and our common sense thrown out the window. Since Phil has been gone I could have eaten ANYWHERE but have chosen to eat at home – even at this moment fixing potato soup, fried apples and cornbread. As I was peeling the potatoes I made myself stop bending over to use the garbage can as a “peeling catcher” deciding to use a bowl instead that Phil bought me that sits out on my counter all the time. (I know I could have used a Kroger bag or a Wal Mart bag which I used to use at the other house because they were...