DEPRESSION--advice for the one who watches

Earlier in the week, I posted an article called Depression -- four lessons I’ve learned which came from the heart of a 56-year-old woman (me) long removed from "the pit." Today I write a second, coming from the heart of a 29-year-old woman, who back then, was descending into the pit. The picture of me on the left was made on Christmas day when I was in my thirties. The picture on the right was made at my mom and dad's 60th wedding anniversary celebration when I was 54. ~ YES I'M SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION. IF I HAD THE WHEREWITHAL, THIS IS WHAT I'D TELL YOU: Don’t tell me to snap-out-of-it. The part of me that’s reason – ABLE is the very part of me that’s sick. You’re dealing with my brain, my mind – my feelings. You can’t fix me like a broken arm or leg. My pain is inward – not visible to the human eye. I am exhausted from doing mental calisthenics you cannot see, on an emotional roller coaster you cannot stop. I am emotionally gutted. I have exper...