
Showing posts from July, 2009

"Reach up, Mamie!"

Tonight my granddaughter Bella and I were walking outside in Baker Brothers' (which I've eaten at now 4 times in 2 weeks) parking lot. We ran fast and looked at ourselves in the mirrored glass in the building right next door. I helped her jump up on the sidewalk and held her hands so she could jump back down again. We smelled the flowers in the two flower pots and looked at the thing you put your cigarette butts into that looks like a nose bulb. We went back down the sidewalk and put our noses and hands against the mirrored glass in the building next door. We laughed and laughed as we looked at each other. Then we turned around and saw the birds. There were LOTS of them sitting on the top of the big ladder thingy that holds several satellite dishes and the other stuff I'm not smart enough to know about. Anyway, as I hunkered down to get closer to her, she hunkered down to get closer to me. As she held her hands up high she said "Reach up, Mamie." "Reach up,...

It's All Good

Two weeks ago my status on Facebook was “Teresa Kimbel’s face will be oily when she’s laying dead in the coffin.” And right below my status, I asked if anyone had any suggestions for make-up that was good for oily skin. Sharon Gass said she had more trouble with oil now than when she was a teenager and recommended Mary Kay. Jillian Jackson recommended Clinique. Oh how I hate having oily skin. To fight it I’ve used every kind of soap imaginable, every kind of make-up imaginable, and masked until I’m blue in the face (no pun intended). Anyway, even though I do hate having oily skin, oily skin has its benefits. I have no wrinkles. (No, I didn’t say that to rub it into anyone’s face; it just illustrates the point I’m trying to make). :) Paul tells us in Romans 8:28 that “WE [emphasis mine] know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Do you think, as I have thought, that Paul must not have been thinking about me w...