
Showing posts from December, 2011

Nine Suggestions for 2013

I like lists, so here's nine suggestions of things to do to improve your life in 2013. 1) Pick out one specific place to pray for a specific person and pray for them every time you're there. For example, pray for someone while you're in the shower; pray for someone different at a stop light, at your kitchen sink, in your car, etc.. 2) Remember if you can't change the situation you have to change your attitude. If you're tied to a rock, learn to love the rock. Let the situation change you. 3) Realize acceptance does not always mean approval. There's just some things that have to be accepted in life, whether agreed with or not. 4) If you find yourself unable to get along with people, make a list of those people and then find the common denominator; most likely it's you. 5) Live in the present moment. One-hundred percent of every minute of every day is lived in the present moment. The past is only made up of memories that are simple harmless thoughts ...