Measuring Spoons
"You are the salt of the earth. BUT IF THE SALT LOSES ITS SALTINESS how can it be made salty again?" Matthew 5:13 Saturday, February 20 was a red-letter day for me. It was a day I knew would come; I just didn’t know when. I had invited David and Kelly over for supper. I was in the mood to cook and they were in the mood to eat. Of course, Bella tagged along… :). I was in the process of making Freezer Potatoes which I found out later I would never make again -- that it had been a mistake. I should have just stuck with the simple old mashed potatoes I’ve made for a hundred years. Anyway, as I was making the potatoes, Bella, who loves to do this, looked at me and said, “Wash dishes, Mammie!” and I knew what was to come. We took her top off, she got the stool and I proceeded to fill the sink with water, squirting lots of Dawn in to make bubbles…big bubbles. Since most of the dishes surrounding the sink were glass measuring cups, I got the plastic containers I have stored in my b...