
Showing posts from September, 2009

It's Broken

Friday night as I was carrying Bella to the car, like I have done many times, while carrying Bella to the car, I looked up and said, “Bella, look at the moon! Look up at the moon, honey.” Expecting her to say what she normally says, while carrying her to the car, I expected, “The moon. The moon, Mammie! The moon.” However what she said caught me completely by surprise. With clouds strategically placed over the moon’s face, horizontally, in two perfect places she looked up at Mr. Moon and said, "It’s broken." [Long pause and sadness] "It’s broken, Mammie.” And now looking at the moon through the innocence of a two year old's eyes, I looked up and, indeed saw why she thought the moon was broken. Still pondering what Bella had just said, thinking it was the sweetest comment I'd ever heard, Bella melted my heart again. “I fix it, Mammie. I fix it. I gotta fix it.” And Mammie said to the entire family in amazement, “Did you hear what Bella just said?” And I repeated w...

Dr. Brooks

He was entering the print shop as I was coming out. I said, “Hi Doc!” wondering if he would remember me, hoping that he would. “How are you?” I asked just to make small-talk and he answered, “Not too good.” Amazed that he had told me the truth but so glad he did, I asked him what was wrong again and he told me Peggy, his wife, was not well. Obviously, he wanted to talk about her so I listened as he told me more. He told me that his wife had Alzheimer’s disease and I told him my mom had dementia--that she couldn’t even walk from the couch to the bathroom and he told me he just wished Peggy could stand up. I felt bad for even talking about my moma when I could see he had such pain so I asked him where Peggy was and he told me a nursing home. I asked him which one and he told me Rosewood and even bragged on them for taking such good care of her. He said he thought it might just be because he had been a doctor, but then told me he had watched and they took equally good care of everyone. An...